Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin--Fire and Nice

A citizen government.   It may be refreshing to have common people fighting for small town values.  Maybe she doesn't know Washington.  Maybe she doesn't have the experience.  But she has heart. She has common sense. She gets it.

Sarah and her family entered public life without wanting to get into national public life.  Her story is about challenging the way things have always been done.  She represents the best of public service, not someone who enters public life to change the world.  One can tell very quickly, she has the innate common sense of average Americans and not the uncommon sense learned in textbooks in an elite Ivy League school.  How refreshing.

If you hear her story about her youngest child, how she discovered that she was carrying a downs syndrome baby, and her decision to fight for that child, it will bring tears to your eyes because it is a story of love and faith and selfless conviction.  Contrast that with others who look at that little child as a decision to be made.  This is a woman with heart.

I am amazed at how Barrack Obama is so intelligent, was the top of the class at Harvard Law School, a powerful speaker, how he has overcome so much, but how little he understands human nature, business, and the economy.  Contrast that with Sarah Palin. She gets it.  You can tell she understands the average family, and business big and small.  Proud of having a son serving their country.  A devoted mother of five.  Fighter of corruption.  Anti establishment. Anti lobbyist. And she is a conservative vision of the future.

From first impressions, Sarah Palin is one of us.  She looks for good government, not government as usual.  

Government of the people, by the people, and for the people.  This is the story of Sarah Palin.

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