Thursday, August 21, 2008

Herseth Sandlin just doesn't get it

From the Argus Leader:

Herseth Sandlin, who has supported the proposal, said Lien's stance shows a lack of experience."Anyone who thinks you can focus on one issue doesn't understand how the process works," she said. "Major pieces of legislation tend to be comprehensive proposals because of the needs across the country."

Well, I don't think Stephanie gets it. Congress has a 9% approval rating. The people are tired of the current way of doing business in Washington.

We are tired of politicians going to Washington and doing the same thing year after year, blaming the problems on "the system." We need change, right?

Well, the energy issue is the first area where we need change. Let's provide a little background.

For the last 15 years, there have been proposals to increase the amount of drilling in the United States. A majority of Americans supported more drilling. Predictions were made that if we fail to drill, we are going to have a problem.

But our Congress has debated more drilling, and Democrats refuse to even allow a vote on more drilling. You want to know why? Because more drilling won't help "eliminate our problem now because it will take 10 years to see the benefits."

Unbelievable. Democrats have prevented more drilling for 15 years. Now, when we need more domestic oil, they say it is too late.

Yes, Stephanie, Chris Lien may not understand how Washington works, but it is not from ignorance. It is because Washington doesn't work--and he understands that. We need somebody who wants to change the system, not continue to support a system that is broken.

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