Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hollywood and Politics

It must be weird for multi-millionaire Hollywood actors to be mingling among all the common people.

As I watched the Democrat Convention, I was struck by the number of Hollywood millionaires applauding to raise their own taxes in order to take care of the working class.  I think it must be the guilt of making so much money that makes them want to have the government give them more money.

But I think it is more than that.  So many Hollywood people hate where they are from.  They hate the so called small town mentality that they left behind.  They love the self centered life in Hollywood.  To make it there, they must feel guilty about how they made it, and so many people didn't.  It was a matter of luck that they were able to win there, and that is how they look at America.  

But it is more than that.  They think where they came from, the people were ignorant, small minded people.  To be in Hollywood, they have discovered a place where people weren't "judgmental" about what is right and wrong.  In Hollywood, they found comfort in being around people who are open minded, as long as they agree that being open minded is the only option that is right.

Hollywood values is about not having values, and that is what they hate about small town America.  

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