Saturday, August 23, 2008

"Five Government Programs to Cut"

Stephanie Herseth planted a question in the Dakota Fest Debate about the 5 places she would cut government.

The problem with Stephanie having a quick five answers about where to cut, is that her "plans" are to solve all kinds of additional problems that people face.

Her desire to have universal health care will end up costing taxpayers trillions.

Her desire to increase prescription drug benefits will cost trillions.

Her desire to give more money to college students will cost billions.

Her decision to bail out Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae will cost billions.

Her plans, when all added up, will cost this country our economic future.

The biggest thing we need to cut out of Washington is five words that politicians say way too much and cost even more.  When you hear a politician say, "I have a new plan," what she is saying is, "I think taxpayers should pay more."

Our Federal Government is bankrupt.  We don't have any money.  The only word our politicians should learn to say is the first word every human being ever learned.


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