Thursday, January 29, 2009

Herseth Gives up interest in Governor and Senate?

Today, Stephanie Herseth breaks with her Blue Dog Democrat pledge to "pay as you go" in Washington, DC. by voting for the $819 billion economic stimulus package. This is going to be a very unpopular vote in South Dakota, regardless of the money coming back home.

Reading the political tea leaves, Stephanie has decided to stay in the House for at least the next couple elections. This vote goes against everything she said she believes in as a member of the moderate Blue Dog Democrat caucus, so it is telling Democrat party loyalty comes first. I would anticipate her gaining more prominent positions in the Democrat party in order to rise in leadership in the House.

The votes are only going to get more and more difficult for Stephanie in the next couple years. 

Mark today's date on the calendar as the high water mark on Stephanie's popularity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Imagine SHS in the middle of the mess that we now have in Pierre.