Monday, August 3, 2009

Gitmo Problems Revealed

President Barrack Obama wants to prosecute enemy combatants in the US legal system. Let's look at this policy and see if you agree with their reasoning...

First, there are hundreds of millions of enemy combatants engaged in actions against the United States. 

Second, the average trial in the US costs hundreds of thousands of dollars for each defendant.

Third, a trial record is open to the public.

Fourth, in order to try these people, evidence must be collected and presented in an methodical, miranda rights driven trial.

Fifth, if procedure is not followed, the enemy combatant is released on the outside of the courthouse doors.

Sixth, the evidence might have been gathered using secretive, and sometimes unseemly means. These methodologies will be revealed to our enemy combatants.

Finally, we are not safer because of this program.

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