Monday, August 3, 2009

Health Care Protests: People are mad and Democrats are afraid

Just as I predicted many months ago, the Democrats overreached in their true desire to reengineer the entire economic system. 

The big difference between Democrats and conservatives is that Democrats believe they can create efficiencies in an economy by removing profit and risk-taking thereby creating a better, more efficient system. See, this is how Democrats really think; if only you didn't have multiple companies delivering health care, they could remove all of the spending on marketing, advertising, and duplicitous administrative costs. 

Further, they believe that they can create more effective services through a government program. They believe that a government organization can "manage" a $2.1 trillion health care system. They think the bigger the government control, the more they can control the costs of the health care system.

What they don't realize is that it takes people to implement their policies, and people are motivated by rewards. Government employees are motivated by collective bargaining and continually work for a shorter work week, more benefits and more time off. Any time spent in a government organization will show you that the biggest desire of a government employee is not to take risks, but to cover their own rear end. 

But common sense is left out of a big government system. If a doctor isn't driven by profits, there will be no desire to work 60-70 hours per week. Doctors will no longer be driven to go to school for 8-12 years, sacrificing large portions of their life in the pursuit of income. If a business isn't driven by profits, there will be no desire to invest large amounts of capital to create a newer drug, or better medical device.

Look at the Democrat way of looking at business. They believe that business is evil. Every industry is demonized. Big oil, big pharmaceutical, big auto, big everything. Democrats are out for the worker, but they don't understand that the worker must provide a product and service that must be sold for a profit, therefore, the cost to produce that product must be lower than the cost the product is sold.

This principle is not understood by big government bureaucrats.

Conservatives, by contrast, understand human nature and common sense. We understand there must be rewards for risk. We understand there must be penalties for safety. We understand that failure and losing is a significant part of a free market and competition based system. 

Conservatives also understand that if a government program gives a product away for free, their would be no desire to pay for it in the future. Further, other people that are paying for that same product, will be encouraged to qualify for the free government program.

The protesters in the following videos inherently understand what a bunch of bureaucratic policy wonks will never understand. Big government solutions are doomed to failure because they rely on the services of risk averse government bureaucrats instead of risk taking entrepreneurs...

The more the government provides the basic necessities of life, the sooner the government runs out of money...

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