Saturday, June 20, 2009

Where does the future lead?

If knowledge is power, the lack of knowledge must be helplessness. Helplessness and being a victim are synonyms offered by radical, liberal, and socialist ideology. 

I have shied away from partisanship because I have generally found a vicious cycle of vote buying from politicians of both parties. But the recent actions of the federal government under Barrack Obama has accelerated the growth of government to a point which I simply do not recognize the country in which I live.

But as bad as it seems, I am more certain than ever that this rapid growth of government will change people in very important ways. We all will understand conservative economics before this recession/depression is over. We are watching it every day. 

State after state are cutting back the size of their government to control spending because they have spent more than they should have spent. More importantly, state after state is considering raising taxes on the wealthy in order to pay for previously bloated government spending. 

My prediction is very simple. People are going to learn that they have to live within their means, save for a rainy day, and rely on their own efforts instead of some government program coming from Washington.

Oh, we may try to experiment with larger government. We may even try to create nationalized health care. We can try to punish business and enterprise to be more fair. But as we watch capital, innovation and productivity move overseas, we will have example after example of the effects of excessive taxation and intrusive government.

But the future is about knowledge. And as we discover the important principles of conservative economic principles, we will soon have the collective knowledge to begin turning back the feel good liberal policies that are simply unsustainable.

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