Monday, May 25, 2009

How to Save the Republican Party

There seems to be some debate on how to save the Republican Party. Some say we need to be more inclusive, move to the center and be more moderate. Others say we need to get back to conservative message of smaller government, lower taxes and a strong military. 

I say we need to rally around common sense. Simply do what is right based on simple principles.

Where is the common sense? Where are the people in government that are offended by the corruption of government? There are so many conflicts of interest by government officials that it is impossible to know where to begin saving our system.

When I hear a politician say, "our state needs to get our fair share of the federal largesse," I think, where are the statesmen? We sit in Sioux Falls, SD and watch as the whole nation is in the process of burning down in a firestorm of debt and destruction, and we fight for more of our nations unfunded bounty. If we don't begin to speak out, who will?

When I hear a politician say, "I sit on the powerful Appropriations Committee," I ask, where have you been as the country has spent trillions of dollars of future generations debt? Where were you when you watched Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac lower lending standards to an unreasonable level? Where were you when Wall Street was making trillions of dollars on ponzi schemes such as credit default swaps? 

You were creating your own Ponzi Scheme called Medicare and Social Security, and you didn't send one press release predicting the financial crisis. I read about press releases about all the money that is brought back to the state, but never read about how you thought the Federal Government is going bankrupt.

When I hear a politician say, "America is the richest country in the world" in order to justify the need for another government program, I look around and ask, where were you in the years leading up to the greatest economic destruction of a nation in the history of the world? Where were you calling for constraints on spending to protect posterity and the future of America?

It has been easy to be a compassionate politician the last twenty years. America has turned into a country that learned how to create an economy by taxing the labor of generations of Americans not yet born. What started with a 90 days same as cash, has turned into an infinite debt obligation with no realistic ability to pay off our debt. This has been the reason for our success. On paper, America was the richest country in the world. In reality, we are the most indebted country the world has ever seen.

Common sense tells us this isn't sustainable. But yet you still have government telling us that we need to spend more to get us out of the economic depression we are entering. 

I am not sure if the Republican Party can ever rebound, but if it has a chance, the message to adopt is simple.

America is broke and overweight. Some may suggest the way out is to eat and spend more. Common sense tells us that it is better to control our spending and eat less.

Government is controlled by people that need to get elected. Republicans have always gotten elected by promising people a chance to keep more of their own money. Democrats have always gotten elected by promising government will spend more money.

I am more concerned about saving our country than saving the Republican Party. 

The only way for America to survive is through adopting a national understanding. As Americans, we can not spend what we don't have. We must always save for a rainy day, even when it is raining. We can not expect others to pay for our own mistakes. 

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