Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Education Must Drastically Change

If learning by example is critical, what are children learning in our current education system?

1. Inefficiency is more important than learning.

The idea that thirty children learn at the same speed is an absolute disgrace and needs to be discredited immediately. Children are bored in school because the system is designed to waste time. A single teacher giving a lesson plan, and holding the attention of children for hours at a time is ludicrous. If the educational powers to be can't understand this principle, we need to destroy the educational system and start over.

I've heard that socialization is as important as learning. I can't tell you how ludicrous this is. First, who say you can't teach socialization and be efficient at learning? These people are protecting a system that is broken?

I've heard that we can't teach classes on personal finance because there aren't enough hours in the day. Home school children are able to learn curriculum in half days or even less. Public schools should be restructured to have children learning at their own pace, not in a group environment where the class moves on at the pace of the slowest child.

2. For as much as we brag about the quality of our teachers, I would like to take a random sample of the SAT or ACT scores of teachers. I would then like to compare them to the test scores of other professions. Teaching is a noble profession, but it is important to have a realistic dialogue who is going into the teaching profession.

3. Teachers are aligned with labor unions and socialist policies that destroy the economic vitality of America. Exactly how can our schools be successful if they see their teachers continually complain about being underpaid, and continually see the "injustice" of teachers wages? Backed up by the media, teachers and professors have created an indoctrination of children designed to make industry and business as bad, such as "Big Auto, Big Oil, Big Pharmaceutical, Big Tobacco, Big Agriculture." The only thing they like that is big is "Big Government." Additionally, the education system is pushing degrees in sociology, psychology, humanities. To teach a generation of black children and graduate them with a degree in "Black History" is doing what, exactly, for them economically? These degrees are doing nothing to compete in science and technology, the degrees we need in this country. And yes, it will be business that will employ them, so lay off the evil big business speeches.

4. Teachers better lay off the "not getting paid enough" tripe. Teachers have been underpaid in every generation, in every region of the country for as long as there has been teachers. You knew going into teaching that it was going to be like that, and it will always be like that. Get over it. I am tired of hearing about the "value of education." There is no value in education. There I said it. The value is in learning, and I don't think some teachers understand how to create a system where the greatest learning can take place. It is for this reason that I am such a huge supporter of home schooling. This is the greatest competition the educational system has seen. And frankly, home schooled children are embarrassing the public schools scholastically.

Don't miss this video by Newt Gingrich about education. It is spot on.

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