Friday, September 12, 2008

Facts on Earmark Spending in Washington

Everyone can agree that earmark spending has gotten out of control in Washington. If we would like to get this spending under control, who should we hold responsible?

All earmark spending goes through the "powerful Senate Appropriations Committee."

Who sits on the committee? Our own Senator Tim Johnson.

Shouldn't he be held responsible, then, for the out of control spending in Washington?

Has he ever fought against earmarks? Has he ever dared take on the Chairman of the Committee, Sen. Robert Byrd (D, West Virginia), or even Sen. Ted Stevens (R, Alaska)?

If not, does he then disagree that earmark spending is a problem?

If so, what has he done to fight the corruption associated with earmark spending?

Washington is broken. If Sen. Tim Johnson is not responsible for out of control spending, then who is?

In a related story, Sen. Tim Johnson sits on the Banking Committee. The Federal Government has stepped in to take over Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the largest mortgage lenders in the country. Banks are failing. The FDIC (the government agency that insures our deposits) will be taking over hundreds of banks in the next year.

What has Sen. Johnson done the last 5 years to predict this problem?

What steps has he taken to prevent the situation we are in right now?

It is time to start changing Washington. Do we really think a person in the system can really change the system?

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