Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hedge Funds--Cause for Alarm?

Disgraced former Senator John Edwards (of two America's fame) moved from being a trial attorney to the US Senate before launching his bid for President (which climaxed prematurely).

Interestingly, before he was a Presidential candidate he was a hedge fund manager for Fortress Investment Group. This firm was actively involved in the sub prime mortgage mess. I didn't realize what a hedge fund was so I did some research at wikipedia here..

I wonder how many Senators and Congressman know what is going on in these hedge funds. Did you see the earnings from these hedge fund managers? Some hedge fund managers made $3 billion? Did you know that most of them are headquartered offshore in order to shelter profits from taxes? And did you know the returns are on average of 35% - 100%? And did you know that George Soros, uses public information campaigns to manipulate the market in order to take short term, (and grossly obscene) profits?

John Edwards is right. There is two Americas going on. He should know, he was a part of it.

John Edwards said their are two Americans.

He is right.  There are those who believe that a buck is a buck, and then there are those in Washington that think a billion dollars is a buck.

There are those in the world of high finance that manipulate media for profit, and there are the rest of us that work with our hands to produce a product.

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